Linux Hosting
Linux enjoys an extensive acceptance among those looking for a UNIX based solution. Some of the features in Linux are multi-tasking, virtual memory, shared libraries and multi-user aptitudes. The Apache web server is also the fastest and best reliable web server in the world today. At nominal cost, we at Associates Infotech provide cutting-edge features, and a constant as well as scalable hosting solution to meet your growing requirements.
Many businesses buy web hosting without applying much thought to the technical specifics. If you have a low cost shared hosting plan, the chances are it is provisioned on servers that are running Linux. You stand to benefit because:
- It is predictably stable, so your website will be online for a longer time
- It is secure, provided it is kept updated, so you have lesser hacks to worry about
- You can also employ industry standard web hosting software, such as control panel, because then the moving of host is less disrupting
In today’s web hosting, Linux is configured according to the LAMP standard. LAMP stands for:
- Linux – the operating system
- Apache – the webserver application
- MySQL – the Structured Query Language database application
- PHP – a programming language that enables development of dynamic web content
This standard gives you everything that you need to run a perfectly satisfactory website in today’s context.

Windows Hosting
Many web hosting companies use one of two operating systems (OS) on their servers. They are Windows or Linux. Windows Hosting is chiefly carried out on severs that use Windows OS. Though there are quite a few reasons to choose a Windows Hosting plan, the principal reason is its compatibility. Users, who are looking to use specific applications, such as Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (asp), or Microsoft Front Page to build their website with, are recommended to choose Windows Hosting plans.
Windows Hosting vs. Linux Hosting
If you want to develop the website with .NET, MS Index Server or Visual Basic scripts, Windows hosting solution is your best available option. This plan is best suited for those who seek to integrate different Microsoft applications onto their websites.
The main difference, i.e., case sensitivity, is very significant. In Linux, file and directory names are case sensitive. For example, if you name a file ContactUs.html, and one more page in the same directory as contactus.html, in reality you will have two totally different pages. Your viewers will have to key-in your page URLs exactly or risk landing on 404 error pages. Windows servers are however not case sensitive. In Windows server, you will have just one CONTACTUS.HTML page, irrespective of whether you use capitalization or not.
In Linux OS hosting you will have cPanel, WHM, or Web Host Manager, but not on Shared Linux servers. Windows servers run on Plesk. We at Associates Infotech will guide you on choosing the right hosting plans.